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Registration of public keys is no longer necessary. This screen will be removed on 06/31/2022.

Public keys


Import a valid certificate for on-premises service shovel configuration.

  1. Go to Technology > Administration > Tenant Management > Public keys and clickImport new key;
  2. Report:
    • Key name: select file that contains the public key of the digital certificate. This imported file must be in .PEM format and not have a private key
  3. click inimport;
  4. Click againImport new key
      and report:
    • Key name
    • : ca.crtFile: ca.crt, which contains the certifying entity. This imported file must be in .PEM format and not have a private key
  5. click inimport.


The file with the CRT extension, made available by Senior, is already in .PEM format.

If the certificate is your property, when the process completed successfully message is displayed, it is necessary to open a ticket informing the tenant, the public key file and the certification entity file, so that the Applications and Technology Support area can carry out the deployment of the certificate in the cloud environment.

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