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senior X Platform - User Manual> Customization> Reports> Companion apps> Jaspersoft


The Jaspersoft Studio and Jasper Reports Library products are used to build report models run from products or resources available on the senior X Platform. These tools have no acquisition cost, have extensive online documentation and are simple and easy to install, which is why they were selected by Senior to replace the Report Generator.

Information about use and compatibility of these tools for use with Senior products:


Create parameters in Jasper reports to be automatically populated with the user's access credentials, without the need to apply filters. Such parameters are:

To create a report with special parameters in JasperReport, follow the normal report creation procedure and include the mentioned fields, as needed. In this way, the report is issued with special parameters in the same way as other reports are issued. However, in the case of using a token, you are notified about sharing your access credentials.

See too:

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