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Dynamic Views

Dynamic views are a way of consulting different information in tables for different products, with filters and visualization in different ways, such as reports that allow printing in CSV, PDF or another existing format. This report can be sent via email, as long as the email server is configured.

For products in which the resource is available, it is necessary to obtain the metadata structure, which are the definitions of tables and fields that the base has, the list of tables, which fields exist in each of them, what type of data the each of them, among other information. Based on this information, queries are generated.

For each query, there is a time of 4 (minutes) for viewing and generating reports, after this time, the actions are aborted based on a routinetime out, which stops the query process.

Dynamic views and reports that take more than 1 (hour) to be processed will have their generation automatically cancelled, returning a notification to the user.


Metadata synchronization must be done whenever there are changes to the base definition, for example, the creation of new tables.

Adequately control the volume of reports and dynamic views issued, through the information displayed on the screen: amount of data transmitted, customized requests that were made, time spent on customizations and quota limit. If any of these limits are reached, a warning message will be displayed. To expand limits, contact Senior.

What can you do:

After creating dynamic views, other actions can be performed:


After creating and defining dynamic views, it is possible to customize access and control of resources that each user can have through their roles. All views are created within the Custom domain, which has a service called Dynamic Views and all existing views listed in it.

By default, only the administrator user can have access to dynamic views. However, it is possible to grant some permissions to other users.

Permissions scenarios

Check the configuration for some permissions to dynamic view tables:

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