- Access the platform with the tenant administrator user;
- Go to Technology > Administration > Tenant Management > Configure, select the tenant and clicksettings;
- On the Authentication tab, change the authentication type to "SAML Authentication";
- In SAML Settings, enter:
- L request redirect URL: https://platform.senior.com.br/auth/LoginWithCodeServlet
- Identity Provide
- r Entity ID: https://<ADFS URL>/adfs/services/trust
- Service Provider Ent
ity ID : SeniorX (value previously defined in the ADFS configurationURL to login: https://<Customer ADFS URL>/adfs/lsURL to log out: https://<Customer ADFS URL>/adfs/ls/?wa=wsignout1.0
- Under SAML User Data:
- Claim that defines the user's username: claim type of claim User Name
- Claim that defines the user's email : claim type of claim E-Mail Address
- Claim that defines the user's full name : claim type of claim Name
- Role that will be defined for new users: determine the role that the user will receive on their first login via ADFS
- click inTo save to complete the settings.
To test the configuration, open another browser or an incognito tab in the same browser and access the platform's URL, entering the tenant's domain in the URL.
If the configuration is correct, a redirection will be automatically made to the ADFS login screen. When providing valid credentials, you will be redirected to the already authenticated senior X Platform. Confirm that all user data is correct according to your profile on the platform. If any attribute is incorrect, review the claims part, both in ADFS and in the senior X Platform.