External user
Access by an external user, to use some restricted functionalities of the system, can be done via personal/corporate email or social networks.
To log in with social networks, you need to configure akey It issecret for each network. The user service does not come with a default key configured, so it is necessary to generate keys for each desired network:LinkedIn,Facebook and/orGoogle.
User Service
- Configure the external user service in Technology > Configuration > By Tenant
- Under Domains and services, go to the Platform domain and clickTo edit in the externalusers service;
- Parameterize the fields of the System tab (ordered by requirement):
Parameter Value Necessity Google key Key generated by Google Required Google Secret Secret generated by Google Required Facebook key Key generated by Facebook Required Facebook secret Secret generated by Facebook Required Linkedin key Key generated by Linkedin Required Linkedin secret Secret generated by Linkedin Required URI Redirect https://platform.senior.com.br:9443/auth/LoginWithCodeServlet Required Password policy regex [\S]{5,30}$ Optional Password policy error message "The password must have 5 to 30 characters." Optional Password reset expiration time (in minutes) 20 Optional Multiple Tokens Enabled True Optional Email confirmation token expiration time (in minutes) 120 Optional Email confirmation required False Optional
Values not entered in the parameters on the Infrastructure and System tabs will use the platform's default values.