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Cloud environment installation checklist

For the installation of the cloud environment to occur correctly, we recommend that you carry out the steps below, in accordance with theauthentication type, before the environment installation process, in the order that is being suggested.

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Description of items

Senior User Manager Authentication

  Stage Procedure Responsible
1 Prepare Senior public cloud Create the tenant and import the digital certificate IT Support
two Integrator Install the Integrator through the Installer together with the Senior system and configure the tenant username and password entered after its creation IT Support
3 System data load (only for People Management | Hybrid HCM) Load system data onto the senior X Platform IT Consultant
4 User load on senior X Platform Carry out user loading IT Support
5 Logos and colors Configure the layout (logos and colors) from senior X Platform IT Consultant or Senior Solution

ADFS authentication

  Stage Procedure Responsible
1 Active Directory Install Active Directory. Perform this procedure only if the customer does not have this service installed in their infrastructure. Procedure carried out upon budget approval IT Support
two Senior User Manager Authentication with AD Configure authentication via LDAP in the SGU, keeping the name of SGU users the same as in AD. It is essential that the customer has an AD installed and working correctly. If you do not have one and/or the SGU users are the same as the AD, Senior IT, through a service proposal, can install the Active Directory service IT Support
3 Prepare Senior public cloud Create the tenant and import the digital certificate IT Support
4 Configuring and publishing ADFS to AD Enable ADFS in the customer's AD and pass the URL for configuration on the platform. This procedure must only be carried out if the customer chooses to contract the service. Otherwise, it must be performed by the customer himself IT or customer support
5 Senior X Platform configuration for ADFS access Configure authentication via ADFS on the platform. No synchronization or user load required. This process is done automatically by the protocol used IT consultant
6 System data load (only for People Management | Hybrid HCM) Load system data onto the senior X Platform IT consultant
7 Logos and colors Configure the layout (logos and colors) from senior X Platform Product implementation consultancy

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