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senior X Platform - User Manual> Installation> Environments> Cloud> Prerequisites

Cloud environment installation prerequisites

  1. Access the URL if you want to direct the user to another URL or customize the login screen. Furthermore, it is possible to configure the infrastructure to make the URL simpler, for example;
  2. Obtain the installation of a valid digital certificate for the machine on which the API Manager will be installed, or for the Proxy/LB responsible for receiving requests. If a proxy with a valid certificate already exists, a new digital certificate acquisition is not necessary;
  3. Check the ports released for communication, which will allow communication between the cloud and the
    • environment:
      • To access
      • the internet:
      • 443 for HTTPS access;8243 to call service APIs;9443 for federated authentication access (SAML/ADFS).
    • For communication between RabbitMQ Cloud and RabbitMQ On-Premise:
      • 5671 for AMQPS communication or 5672 for AMQP;
      • 15671 for HTTPS communication or 15672 for HTTP.

    If using AD/LDAP or ADFS/SAML: 389 for LDAP access, or 636 for LDAP over SSL. Important

    The ports can be changed if the firewall or proxy is reverse and there is a need to make another connection available and make the change via NAT. All access in the hybrid model must be restricted to Senior IPs in the cloud:, and

  4. Email username/password with permission to send notifications. Although not mandatory, many notifications are sent by email to the administrator user;
  5. Release of URLs for senior X Platform access. Even in On-Premise environments, there are external URLs that are accessed due to the CDN (Content Delivery Network), as is the case of, for example.
    • br-com-senior-blob-service-<tenant_name>
  6. Observation

    The URLs indicated below cannot be accessed via browser, as they depend on context. They must be defined as base URLs with variable endings. An example characterwi on most proxy servers it is the "*" (asterisk).

    • br-com-senior-blob-service-[tenant_name]
  7. Access external URLs for installation. Some artifacts are downloaded from the internet, so the server that will host the senior X Platform must have access to these sites:
    • Downloa
    • d the installer and Bundle:
      • Dow
      • nload services:; It is recommended that access to the entire domain is enabled, as they may change the download URL without prior notice.
      • Front-end download:


LDAP and SAML authentication settings may vary depending on the software used. Therefore, contact the IT Services - Consulting area to carry out the necessary configurations.

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