Hybrid environment installation prerequisites
Determine the format ofauthentication of the hybrid environment.
Note the installation location of theJava 8 (see theminimum requirements for installation). For example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_144.
Write down the tenant registration information provided by Senior TI: tenant name and user password of the tenant administrator on the senior X Platform.
This information will be used to access the platform and configure it;
- Check the fixed IP or registered domain information to identify the on-premises server.
This information will be used to indicate the location of the server to the Senior cloud and thus allow communication to be established; - Check the ports released for communication, which will allow communication between the cloud and the
- environment:
- To access
- the internet:
- 443 for HTTPS access;8243 to call service APIs;9443 for federated authentication access (SAML/ADFS).
- If using AD/LDAP or ADFS/SAML: 389 for LDAP access, or 636 for LDAP with SSL.
- For communication between RabbitMQ Cloud and RabbitMQ On-Premise, it is necessary to release the AMQPS and HTTPS ports of RabbitMQ On-premise for external access. Below are the ports that must be released:
- 567
- 1 for AMQPS communication or 5672 for AMQP;15671 for HTTPS communication or 15672 for HTTP.
- We recommend the two topologies below to allow external access to RabbitMQ On-premise:The main rule is that only the Senior IPs (, and have external access to the AMQPS (5671) and HTTPS (15671) ports of RabbitMQ On-Premise. This restriction must be applied to the firewall that receives external connections (Internet).
Topology with DMZTopology without DMZ (only with firewall)ImportantPorts can be changed if the firewall or proxy are reverse and there is a need to make another connection available and make the change via NAT. All access in the hybrid model must be restricted to Senior IPs in the cloud:, and
For greater support agility, it is recommended to also release the IPs of the Senior Matrix, which are and
- environment:
- Get digital certificate installation for communication between RabbitMQ OnPremise and RabbitMQ in the Cloud. However, it is not necessary to purchase a certificate authorized by a CA. When creating the tenant, the Senior support team is responsible for creating a self-signed certificate for use;
- Provide access to the shared folder on the system where the installer will be run. For example, \\server\senior.
The server on which the platform components will be installed needs to have access to this shared folder. Thus, the installer will collect information necessary for the platform components, such as access to the senior.cfg file.
User onboarding
For user integration between the Senior systems and the senior X Platform to occur correctly, it is necessary to configure theURL for JDBC connection, in the Senior Configuration Center, in Database > Enterprise Management (ERP) or People Management, in the Java Applications section, is appropriate.
LDAP and SAML authentication settings may vary depending on the software used. Therefore, contact the IT Services - Consulting area to carry out the necessary configurations.