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senior X Platform - User Manual> Installation> Product> Business Management | ERP> Erp_service


erp_service is a component of the Business Management | ERP on the senior X Platform, which is hosted in the user's own environment, that is, in an on-premises environment.


The erp_service.exe executable is copied to the computer when the system is installed, through the Installer. Its execution can be done by opening the executable or through AppManager (recommended), which is also copied at the same time as erp_service.exe.


To deploy the erp_service and AppManager it is necessary:


The configuration of AppManager and erp_service is done in the Senior Configuration Center:

  1. Go to AppManagers >AppManager registration and configure AppManager/erp_service. This configuration is necessary for the services to run correctly;
  2. Still in the Settings Center, go to AppManagers >Application Registrationd configure the erp_service;Example:
  3. Finally, in Keys, include the key com.senior.sapiens.erpservice.log_file_path with the path to the default location to save the logs informed in the fieldValue. For example, C:\ERP\Sapiens\Logs

The values entered in the AppManager and application registrations must be in accordance with the installation environment.

Run erp_service manually, accessing the executable to test its operation: open a window in Windows Explorer from the start menu or desktop so that the previously defined environment variables are loaded.


If after opening the executable, within 15 seconds it closes automatically, there is a configuration problem. Therefore, it is recommended to evaluate the log to check the error that occurred and resolve it. If not, it does not close after 15 seconds, the erp_service is working correctly and can be closed manually.


With the first successful execution of erp_service, RabbitMQ on-premises queues are already created. At this point, it is possible to configure Shovel, so that communication between RabbitMQ on-premises and the cloud is updated with the new services provided by erp_service.

To do this, on the senior X Platform, with a tenant administrator user, go to Technology > Administration > Tenant Management > Services/Components and clickTo update. Verify that the erp_service services (erp_agr, erp_cfg, erp_cge, and so on) are displayed in the on-premises list in Tenant Management.

After reloading the page, clickApply to the environment. A notification will be sent by the platform at the end of this asynchronous process.


After Shovel is configured, install AppManager as a Windows service: run the command<Executable path>\AppManager.exe -install -au:<username> -ap:<password>.

Then start the Senior AppManager service and after a minute of starting, check if the erp_service instances are running. To do this, simply access the Windows task manager (Ctrl +Shift +Esc).

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