RabbitMQ is the messaging software responsible for exchanging messages between the customer's environment and Senior's cloud.
To carry out its installation, the prerequisite is to have Erlang installed.
All applications that require RabbitMQon-premises to integrate with the senior X Platform must use the same RabbitMQ. Therefore, if it is already installed, there is no need to install it again.
Erlang is the programming language used by RabbitMQ and OTP is the set of libraries and frameworks responsible for executing Erlang.
- Download the software for Windows32-bit or64-bit;
- Store the software in a temporary folder. For example: C:\platform\installation;
- Run the installer with default settings.
Rabbit Installation
- Download thesoftware messaging;
- Store the software in a temporary folder. For example, C:\platform\installation;
- Run theinstaller with the default settings.
After installation, RabbitMQ creates the C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.6.9\ and %APPDATA%\RabbitMQ folders with the configuration and data persistence files.
The user used to install RabbitMQ must be the same user used to install/update Senior systems.
web manager
The RabbitMQ web manager is disabled by default. To see how RabbitMQ works, you need to activate it:
- Through the command prompt, inAdministrator mode, access the folder C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.6.9\sbin where RabbitMQ is installed, or in the Windows menu, create a shortcut to the RabbitMQ Command Prompt;
- Run the command that enables the web manager:rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management. A configuration message will be displayed at the prompt, with the configuration being applied and carried out successfully.
Administrator user
As a security recommendation, it is important to deactivate the default guest user and create a specific RabbitMQ administration user, as it will be exposed to the internet according to firewall blocks:
- Using a browser, access the web manager athttp://localhost:15672
- , informi
- ng the access data:
- User: guest
ObservationPort 15672 is for access via HTTP, after installing the integrator, the port for RabbitMQ administrator access will be 15671 (HTTPS) due to the configuration of the digital certificate in RabbitMQ by the installer.Password: gu
- Go to Admin and Add a user:
- Report a Username
- ;Enter a strong password in the fieldPassword and confirm it. Do not use special characters, for example "@", "/" and/or ":";
- In the fieldTags, enter administrator, so that this user is the RabbitMQ administrator;
- click inAdd User.
- Go to Admin > Users and select the newly created administrator user to assign permissions to him;
- Click on the buttonSet Permissions and set full permissions to the administrator user;
- Log off the guest user and test access with the created administrator user;
- Go to Admin > Users and select the guest user;
- Access the Permissions section and click on the buttonClear to remove permissions from this default user.
- In the Update this user section, enter the guest password, remove the administrator tag and click the buttonUpdate user.