Authentication of web services using the senior X Platform token
It is possible to authenticate web services using the senior X Platform token. For this to occur, it is necessaryconfigure the keys com.senior.g7.identityServerURL, com.senior.g7.validatecertificate It is com.senior.g7.trustedTenant in Configuration Center.
In addition to having the user registered in the Senior User Manager with the same name registered in the senior X Platform, it is necessary to deploy the web services and have the Middleware configured and functioning correctly.
To call these web services, it is necessary to change the SOAP envelope of the request, replacing the value of the parameterpassword by the token and change the parameter valueencrypted to 3, as shown in the example:
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<S:Envelope xmlns:S="" xmlns:a="" xmlns:XS="" xmlns:XI=""> <S:Body><a:run><exec>sapiens</exec><user>admin</user> <key></key> <parent></parent><lot>0</lot> <parameters><?xmlversion="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <request id='' user='admin'password='4d20580b9471158248eab39cb519f853' encrypted='3' service='' port='GetDBDate'> <params><prCallMode>2</prCallMode><FlowName></FlowName> <FlowInstanceID></FlowInstanceID></params></request></parameters> </a:run></S:Body></S:Envelope> |