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Role management

Role management is the mechanism responsible for ensuring that only authorized users consume protected platform resources. In other words, controlwhat a user can access and perform. Permissions are organized into domains, services, and resources that have actions. Thus, roles are assigned a set of permissions and users are related to these roles.

There are some native features and actions that are available when deploying the senior X Platform, however, there are no native or pre-defined roles available. Furthermore, in the concept of permission it is not possible to prevent a role from performing a certain action, but rather not to give it permission.

Types of permissions

On the senior X Platform there are types of permissions that have the benefits of being scalable, flexible and auditable. Are they:

Managing roles

Roles are used to associate a user with a position within the organization or activity that will be performed. They are the essence of user management, as their architecture must support business rules at different levels of access permission.

Remember to configure a role so that you can apply it to multiple users. Prefer to create roles with functionalities that belong to the same domain, this way it will be simpler to manage your company's permissions.


Only users who have administrator permission can make other users administrators (admin role).

It is not allowed to assign a role to your own user, the assignment must be granted by another user.

What do you need to do:


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