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senior X Platform - User Manual> Administration> Internationalization


The senior X Platform supports the internationalization of its components in Portuguese (Brazil), English (United States) and Spanish (Spain). The Translation Hub centralizes the translations of all the platform's services, both for Back-end and Front-end. Managed translations are those created by Senior and made available to all customers and also those that customers themselves develop to support a language that was not provided, or so that factory translations have more adherence to the business.


All screens of the Management Panel module, of the People Management solution | HCM senior X Platform, do not allow customization, except for the Vacation Policy screen.

The Translation Hub uses a convention to hierarchize the available texts and has the following levels:


You cannot change the values of the Global and Domain keys.

Definition of languages

The preferred language can be set by the tenant administrator or by the user themselves, as defined in permissions by the administrator.

The first language selected is the one configured by the user and, if there is no configuration, the one informed in the tenant settings is chosen. If, even so, there is no language configured on the platform, select the browser language. In G7, G5 and SAML authentication, the language is configured on the platform itself, while in LDAP authentication, the user's language is configured and updated in AD.

After changing the language, it is necessary to leave the platform for it to take effect, as the cookies in which the language is informed are generated at the beginning of the session. Some Backend messages take around 15 minutes (OAuth2 token cache) to be translated.

Manage Translations

The import process has two options:

All values contained in the file will override those maintained in the Translation Hub for the selected language.

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