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senior X Platform - User Manual> Customization> Analytics Studio> Tutorial: How to use the tool (step 2 of 3)

Analytics Studio — Tutorial

Step 2 of 3 — Create and configure a widget

In this step, thewidget which will obtain the data from the dataset that was created in the previous step. The data obtained will be shown in graphical form by the widget.

Still on the senior X Platform, access the menuTechnology > Customization > Analytics Studio > New analytics widget to access the new widget configuration screen. On this screen, make the following settings:

1. Widget information and dataset selection:

Below the widget's initial information, select the dataset that will be used to create the widget's graph.

For this example, select the datasetDistribution by gender which was created in the first part of the tutorial:

2. Chart:

The next step is to choose the type of chart you want to show in the widget. In this example, the graph of the typePizza:

3. Attributes:

Attributes determine criteria for displaying each information in a given category.

For this example, the option was selectedGender atCategory and added aSeries with the attributeAmount.

This setting will cause the graph to display theamount of recordsfor each genre:

4. Filters:

In this step you can applyfilters It isordering to the dataset. With this, a single dataset can be used to create several widgets.

Filter and sort will not be added for this example tutorial.

5. Properties:

click inTo save to save widget changes.

See too:

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