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senior X Platform - User Manual> Customization> Analytics Studio - tool concepts

Analytics Studio

OAnalytics Studio is a feature of the senior X Platform that allows you to displaymanagement information from data that is extracted directly from the systems base.

The information is distributed inpages It islanding pages, forming a complete view of the extracted data:

Benefits ofAnalytics Studio

Three steps to create your management vision with Analytics Studio



Before configuring the components used by Analytics Studio — datasets, widgets, pages and landing pages — you must meet the following requirements:

Create the reporting database

Oreporting database is the base that contains the data necessary to issue reports, execute dynamic views and data sources for datasets used in Analytics Studio.

Release necessary permissions

The user who uses Analytics Studio resources must be associated with a role with all the necessary permissions.


Tutorial: Create your first vision with Analytics Studio

We've prepared a sample tutorial to explain how to use Analytics Studio.

In this tutorial, the steps necessary to create thevisual representation of the distribution of people by gender in a company.

Did an error occur while configuring Analytics Studio?

See if there is already a solution registered on our troubleshooting page:

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