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X Platform

What is X Platform
? AX Platform represents a combo of tools, helping to automate tasks and manage all areas, bringing more transparency and agility in everyday life for companies and users.

It is possible for users to use the tools in different ways through no-code, low-code and code interactions:

  • No-code: These are methodologies that seek to use less — or no — code in the development of products and services;
  • Low-code: It allows professionals to write lines of code, creating more customizable solutions according to the platform used. Furthermore, in low-code the user can choose the infrastructure, gaining freedom in operating their application;
  • Code: Enables development by programming.

Everyone can have access to the Senior X platform, justrequest a tenant access.

Getting ready

Installation ofsenior X Platform.

Tenant Creation.

Free tier solutions.


I don't have a Tenant yet
If you do not yet have access to the Senior X platform, you canrequest a tenant access to the platform.

I have a tenant, now what
? The administrator already hasaccess to all tools of the platform, in the side menu. Now just enable the desired tools for users.

Enabling tools for platform users
AtPaper Management, editing or creating a role, there is the permissions tab, where you can configure which tools users of that role will have access to. Users will only have access to tools that the administrator releases.

I don't see the X Plafform Menu
If you are not seeing the X Platform menu, just access the pathSenior X Platform > Technology > Customization > Applications, then you can enable it by following a few steps:

  1. Find “Senior X Platform”;
  2. Expand the “Senior X Platform” tab;
  3. Click on “Actions” on the desired application;
  4. Select “Show”;
  5. Repeat for all applications you want to enable;
  6. Click on “Generate menu” and wait for the generated menu notification;
  7. Refresh the page and the menu will be available.


The process to view the menu may take up to 2 minutes.

Check the buttons below for the manuals for the X Studio components

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